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Trade Associations are the back bone of any industry. LABePEDIA is proud to list below some of the trade associations involved in promoting the laboratory, scientific, medical, pharma, educational& engineering test equipment industry around the world. If you also have a similar trade association in your country, then please feel free to contact us and get your association listed here. Please note that we are in no way related to these associations. This is just a courtesy gesture from us at LABePEDIA.

BESA, the British Educational Suppliers Association, is the trade association covering the entirety of the UK educational suppliers sector. It operates on a not-for-profit basis, and is accountable to an Executive Council that is elected by member companies.

SPECTARIS is the German industry association for the hightech medium-sized business sector and representative body in the areas of medical technology, optical technologies, analytical, biological, laboratory, and ophthalmic devices. Innovation and growth characterize the different industry sectors and their 300,000 strong workforce. 

GAMBICA is the Trade Association for Instrumentation, Control, Automation and Laboratory Technology in the UK. Its mission is to represent and strengthen the position of the Instrumentation, Control, Automation and Laboratory Technology industries of the UK in an increasingly competitive world.

KSIIC was established in 1984 as a special organization composed of more than 300 member companies who produce various scientific instruments. Its mission is to devote to development of relevant industry and enhancement of quality of scientific instruments for schools and laboratories.

The Iran High-Tech Laboratory Network (called LabsNet) was established in 2014 by the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology with the aim of presenting laboratory services to the university and industrial researchers.

Founded in 1988, the China Instrument Manufacturer Association (CIMA) is a nationwide, industry-backed and non-profit social organization integrating a myriad of leading renowned enterprises and research institutions. The 1079-strong association has 987 manufacturers, 44 research institutions, 21 colleges and universities, and 27 relevant societies.

The Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association (SEFA) is a voluntary international trade association representing members of the laboratory furniture, casework, fume hood and related equipment industry.

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