The GTJ-EVD-W type Light weight deflectometer is used to determine the deflection capacity of the subgrade under the dynamic load, thereby evaluating ...
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Company Profile: Cangzhou Lovely Technology Co., Ltd is specialized
Phone: 008615XXXXX
Address: Cangzhou city, Hebei province, China, , china
Company Details1.Has a starting value software calibration function, ensure the data in any industry codes and standards applicable and accurate. 2.Hermetically seal...
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Company Profile: -
Phone: +86133XXXXX
Address: 30th Building, C Area, DongLiangShe Village, Huining Town, Xingtai County,Xingtai City, Hebei Province, China 054001., , china
Company Details(Supplier, Manufacturer & Exporter)
Company Profile: Cangzhou Lovely Technology Co., Ltd is specialized
Phone: 008615XXXXX
Address: Cangzhou city, Hebei province, China, , china
Company DetailsThe model ATG400 is a multi-mode ultrasonic thickness gauge. Based on the same operating principles as SONAR, the instrument is capable of measuring t...
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Phone: +86133XXXXX
Address: 30th Building, C Area, DongLiangShe Village, Huining Town, Xingtai County,Xingtai City, Hebei Province, China 054001., , china
Company DetailsPile integrity tester is a test and analysis instrument for pile integrity testing and monitoring of the precast pile driving process. Under impact or...
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Company Profile: Cangzhou Lovely Technology Co., Ltd is specialized
Phone: 008615XXXXX
Address: Cangzhou city, Hebei province, China, , china
Company DetailsAJR NDT Co.,LTD AFD100 model portable ultrasonic flaw detector is an economical and practical UT testing machine. Based on ultrasonic principle, it ca...
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Phone: +86133XXXXX
Address: 30th Building, C Area, DongLiangShe Village, Huining Town, Xingtai County,Xingtai City, Hebei Province, China 054001., , china
Company DetailsMicro Hardness Tester can be used to determine the vickers hardness of steel, non-ferrousmetals, ceramics, treated layers of metal surface, & hard...
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Company Profile: Founded in 1975, RADICAL has become one of the lar
Phone: 094667XXXXX
Address: 9th Mile Stone, Ambala-Jagadhri Road, AMBALA CANTT-133104 (INDIA), Haryana, india
Company DetailsAdvantages • Wide measuring range. It can measure the hardness of all metallic materials. Direct display of hardness scales HRB, HRC, HV, HB, HS,...
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Company Profile: -
Phone: +86133XXXXX
Address: 30th Building, C Area, DongLiangShe Village, Huining Town, Xingtai County,Xingtai City, Hebei Province, China 054001., , china
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